

Makeup games

Posted by Ron Espinosa on Sep 30 2015 at 09:48AM PDT

Last week’s rainout has been rescheduled for the 24th.

It looks like we might get rained out again this week. If so, we are looking at a makeup date of Halloween. The Tega Cay Parks and Rec wants to know if playing the morning of Halloween is something we are willing to do. Please respond to this message (you can just reply from your email) and let me know if you are interested in playing or not so I can tell them whether or not to schedule us.


2015-09-30T09:53:13.000-07:00September 30 2015, at 09:53 AM PDT, Marybeth Robinson said:

Yes we are willing

2015-09-30T11:28:03.000-07:00September 30 2015, at 11:28 AM PDT, Ron Espinosa said:

Thank you all for your responses. Looks like we will have enough to field a team so I advised the TCPR that we are willing to play, ideally in the first game, on the 31st, if necessary. Hopefully, we will see each other Saturday!